Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Art Projects

So it's been a busy couple of weeks for me and my family with school starting, so I haven't had one moment to get to my self.  I love when school starts, just because I'm one of those people who likes the routine of it all. 
But today I wanted to post about some really cool art projects that I have found and would LOVE to try out.  I just don't know if I have enough wall space in my house for them all.
The first one is from Tatertots and Jello. She has so many wonderful examples of Subway art on her blog, but her latest is for Halloween.  Here is a picture of what it looks like along with the tutorial. (click here)  There are just so many different things you could do with Subway Art, I just know if I started I wouldn't be able to stop.

The next one is from The Pleated Poppy, a "Family Rules" canvas.  It's such a good idea to make something for the whole family to see and be reminded of what your family is all about.  I guess like making a family mantra while also having something pretty to put up on your wall. She also has links / examples of a whole bunch of other people that have taken the idea and made it their own here.  It's fun to see so many other takes on the same idea. To see how to make your own, clink here.

The 3rd one is from Lil' Luna, that she calls "All Good Things" but is a tutorial (click here) on a way to dress up silhouettes of your kids.  I think it is such a cute idea and pulls everything together so wonderfully.  This one I might actually get to do because I know just where I would put it in my home. 

And finally from Under the table & Dreaming, for some super cool Word/Wall Art.  It's a guest post from Amy at My 3 Monsters but I found the tutorial (click here)  is easier to follow here than on Amy's blog (sorry).  I thought this would be a wonderful idea for a wedding gift as well as wanting to do it myself.  Again I have a spot picked out I just have to get to it. 
If your like me you don't get it at first but if you look closely it's their last names with their "est." date.  Great conversational piece for any home.  Amy also points you toward a great photo stream on Flickr by Leo Reynolds where you can use the images for free with some restrictions. I will add the link to my side bar to make it easier for those who are interested. 
So four great ideas to add to my "I'll get to it someday" list.  Let me know if anyone tries any of them out and how it went. 

1 comment:

Jeanna said...

I have been wanting to do some pictures of Kaylee and Isaac and seeing the sillouette project think I'll give it a try!@ Love ANYTHING Halloween and I like the name/est. picture that is a great wedding and christmas gift!! Lots of great ideas!! AWESOME!!!